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action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobefirst shown as part of the pan records event at club transmediale, berghain berlin "...hard to say if it was a parody or a celebration of club music or both. Either way, it was the most talked-about performance of the festival." resident advisor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvk6Xdh-IOc photo from pitchfork media photo by keith fullerton whitman second showing macba barcelona june 9th 2013 10th july 2014 hanger bicocca http://www.hangarbicocca.org/hb-public/news-eventi/hit-parade-e-sky-dancers/ videos... http://www.markfell.com/media/ctm2013/mfstrobeedit1_shotbykfw.mov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvk6Xdh-IOc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnemXS9bVhk