mark fell

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attack on silence generative sound and graphic work

The piece shown here started out in may 2007 when i was invited to make a piece for LED light and multichannel sound at the glade festival. I had developed an LED lighting controller that worked by translating colour matrices into the dmx lighting protocol. This was combined with 8 channel additive synthesis. Here colour curves were drawn into the matrix by hand, and similarly, the levels of harmonics present in each of the 8 channels were hand drawn curves. pairs of colour and harmonic curves were then interpolated into one another. at first this was a manual process of triggering transitions in a live manner. but soon i developed some processes for automating this. these formed the basis of the lighting works shown at sonar 2008 and hong kong 2007. i realized that the onscreen representation of these lighting changes looked okay and this was developed into the dvd "attack on silence" the 8 channel sound was mixed into a bformat ambisonic stream and then decoded to 5.1 and stereo to produce an approximation of the original 8 speakers. here is a version of this for one algorithm, onscreen colour with two channel sound.

© mark fell, modified October 27, 2009, at 01:04 PM PDT edit print