mark fell

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mark fell and ernest edmonds collaborative works

outline of practice

fell and edmonds collaborative pieces are characterized by their considered use of pure colour and tone, the harmonic relationships between these and the often simple systems that govern how they change and evolve. although the two are from quite different traditions, they have found a common ground in issues relating to cognition, simplicity, formalism and mathematics. their practice offers a valuable and unique approach to contemporary generative and interactive art.

past works and history

mark and ernest first met in 2002 researching art and technology at the creativity and cognition research studios at loughborough university (uk). their first collaborative work was a system for translating singing into a series of colour bars that responded in a simple series of ways to the harmonic content of the sound.

in 2003 mark was invited to sydney to work with ernest and to develop this system, resulting in a performance of 4 pieces for video projection and sound.

one of these pieces "port hacking #4" was later made into a short digital film and shown at the centre for contemporary culture in barcelona, and at sonar in sao paulo.

the two were invited to show generative pieces at siggraph 2005 (los angeles) and graphite 2005 (singapore). these formed two twin works in which the systems were closely related. a signed and numbered limited edition double disc dvd set of of these, with fine art prints, is available through conny dietzschold gallery sydney and cologne.

in 2006 after a prototype of a new work in this series was shown at the powerhouse museum in sydney, the australian centre for moving image in Melbourne commissioned a major interactive work, exhibited at the white noise exhibition: abstraction in moving image and new media works. this large scale work used information from activity in its environment to generate series of harmonically related colours and sounds.

their work has also been exhibited at the millennium galleries in sheffield.

© mark fell, modified May 26, 2008, at 05:38 AM PDT edit print