mark fell

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two new sound installations at hive gallery uk. from 7th august to 19th september (thursday to sunday, 12:00 til 16:00).

room 1: supersymmetry

room 2: factoid

"Philosophy has asked about the linkage between the structure of consciousness and the structure of now, yet it has left sound out of this question. How does sound contribute to this linkage? Consider for example the repetitive temporal structures present in techno musics, or the prolonged tones of Tibetan music – some rather primary relationships between time, consciousness and sound could be imagined. Informed by recent studies in the psychopathology of time, Fell’s intense and confrontational installation Factoid #3 promotes a destabilized association between time, the self and sound. Here phenomenological emphases on flow, linearity, and the present as embedded in both the previous and the imminent are rejected in favour of disassociated suprasequential nows. This work contains extremely bright flashing light, high intensity sound and generative temporal structures. You are asked not to enter the space if you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy." (something i wrote about the work in jan 2012 for the sonic acts catalogue)

thanks to hive gallery, sightsonic and electric fly

© mark fell, modified January 20, 2012, at 03:37 AM PST edit print