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studies in synthesis and geometrya three channel sound piece presented at the 'enjoy' artspace, leeds.with sawako, joe gimore and rian treanor. 16+17 july, enjoy artspace unit 22c mabgate leeds ls9 7dz. http://www.enjoythevoltaire.co.uk/ ![]() photo by joe gilmore http://www.qubik.com/ The work is divided into three sections: The first features two extracts of found speech. The Italian academic Alessandro Cipriani discusses his recent work in technology and sound synthesis, taken from Störung radio, broadcast in June 2010. See http://www.storung.com/. This is contrasted with an excerpt from ‘Pump Up The Volume: The History of House Music’ which features Nathaniel Pierre Jones and Earl Smith Junior, aka Phuture (Broadcast on Channel 4 in 2001). The second is a collection of very short musical excerpts tracing the development of my interest in electronic music. The third and final section includes extracts from some new tracks.