mark fell

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full length works - cds/lps


mini cds

  • qoob tv limited edition box set of 1000 copies milan 2007

online releases

vinyl 12"s and 7"s


compilations and remixes etc.

  • promo - nakid cd 2023, japan only promo
  • remix of parallel persia here
  • core, self, oscillation commission for yarn-wire percussion ensemble
  • Mark Fell - Ma.Org Re.Mx (long version)
  • 280913_1 - 280913_2 Travel By Goods, live album 2014 with Miles, Some Truths and Joane Skyler
  • less than lethal volume 2 alku 2014
  • "add to cart" editions mego festival compilation 2013
  • remix for fennesz FA 12" 2012
  • snd 11-12 on Electronica en Abril box set 2012
  • track for neon marshmallow festival cassette, new york 2011. recording of mac mini failing to mount a dvd.
  • razor-wire dub, a remix of a track from the manitutshu album, for below the radar 6
  • remix of 'crimson knight' by ay fast for schematic 2011
  • onn as snd on offf festival cd, lisbon 2009
  • colourfield remix dvd, with ernest edmonds, line 2008
  • curdler on less than lethal alku barcelona 2007
  • moskitoo remix 12k records CD new york 2007
  • only love can conquer hate sakamoto remix 2006
  • vibration/whitefinger dvd/cd putblished on soundxvision tokyo 2004
  • paintchanger on brian alfred exhibition cd new york 2003
  • team remix cd and vinyl on skam manchester 2003
  • as, softboard performance with yasunao tone on resonance fm compilation london 2003
  • egg from a foetus on 12k new york 2003
  • easy lover (shirttrax vs shirttrax)on atak tokyo 2003
  • you speak what i feel, below code. tokyo 2003
  • palo alto on clicks n cuts 3 mille plateaux frankfurt 2002
  • dont touch my shed on hz cd schirn gallery frankfurt 2002
  • 333 (unreleased) on mille plateaux frankfurt 2002
  • sonicprocess unreleased centre pompidou paris 2001
  • Musikexpress 50 - Force Inc. Music Works frankfurt 2001
  • ringtones on touch ringtones compilation london 2001
  • aftersnd on12k new york 2001
  • circa 1666 on clicks and cuts 2 mille plateaux frankfurt 2001
  • circa 1666 vinyl version on clicks and cuts 2 mille plateaux frankfurt 2001
  • club tropicana on fylkingen stockholm 2001
  • 4 shirt trax or compilation london 2001
  • .h remix on mitek stockholm 2000
  • ngoma on digital originals sheffield 2000
  • takemura remix unreleased 10" child disc kyoto 2000
  • blir, makesnd 350dpi tiff on the format is the challenge alku barcelona 2000
  • snd2 on ars electronica cd linz 2000
  • toyota city mit press computer music journal 2000
  • famous aspect mille plateaux frankfurt 2000
  • Modulation & Transformation 4 mille plateaux frankfurt 1999
  • circa 1509 clicks and cuts mille plateaux frankfurt 1999
  • 0001 0003 0005 falsch compilation vienna 1999
  • living with jean shirt pt 2 decay compilation ash international london 1997

© mark fell, modified November 24, 2023, at 03:57 PM PST edit print