mark fell
please note this website is no-longer maintained. instead please visit
installation, exhibition, screening, performance.
- 31 march paris GRM with rian treanor
- 12 march prague archa theater with okkyung lee
- 13 march bratislava fuga with okkyung lee
- 14 march brno Fakulta výtvarných umění Vysokého učení technického v Brně (Historical Hall) with okkyung lee
- 28 feb, the abyss as i saw, film screening at Pavilion Artists' Moving Image Network, leeds, uk
- 2 feb, the abyss as i saw, film screening as part of death of rave event at cafe oto
- performance with rian at faq festival, 's-Hertogenbosch, 3 november
- october, musashino art university - Time-structure and Procedure in Performance, workshop and presentation.
- sept/oct japan tour with rian treanor, KAKUHAN and YPY. 29 sept compass (osaka), 30 sept urban guild (kyoto), 13 oct, www (tokyo), 15 oct, precious hall (sapporo), 17 oct spread (tokyo), 19 oct CMVC (hita), 22 oct soup (tokyo).
- 6th september 2023 "environment and synthesis workshop" campfr with cm von hausswolff and rian treanor
- 13th september 2023 "performance and process" campfr with okkyung lee and rian treanor
- 17 may - 9 sept, slow dance 4, exhibition Die Stadtgalerie bern
- 12 august performance at fylkingen 90!
- 9 may, workshop, performance, q+a, at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
- 5 may, the room where the organ was, installation with students at RNCM manchester
- 1 april, dublin new collaboration with mohammad reza mortazavi
- 13 april, performance at vienna
- 8 march, live at all in one blues cafe, pokhara nepal
- 23 march, university of sheffield with Gus Ferguson, aidan hendrickse, Jan Hendrickse, Jason Kunwar, Rian Treanor, Sudhir Acharya and Sugama Gautam
- 26 jan, performance, IMAL (interactive Media Art Lab) brussels.
- 27 november, uk premier, "Every non-empty ultra-connected compact space has a largest proper open subset" performed by explore ensemble. Huddersfield contemporary music festival.
- 24 november, world premier, "Every non-empty ultra-connected compact space has a largest proper open subset" performed by explore ensemble, centro pecci, prato, italy. rescheduled in support of air traffic controller strikes!!!
- systemic peripheralism, exhibition opening, beaconsfield gallery, london.
- 13 october, finger systems for organ, commission/performance, aggregate festival berlin
- 7 october, systemic peripheralism, exhibition opening, beaconsfield gallery, london.
- sept 24, live at yarmonics festival great yarmouth,
- sept 3rd, live with will guthrie, willisau,
- 24 august, environment and synthesis, workshop with with cmv Hausswolff, campfr, aulus-les-bains, france.
- 29 july with rian treanor, sylvia hallett, jan hendrickse and petronn sphene at camden arts centre
- bleep mix 239
- 22 june sonics for kwan ng exhibition at the palace museum hong kong
- 2 july cafe oto
- 2 july minimal input algorithmic art gathering taiwan with rian treanor - remote
- 8 june workshop with rian treanor
- workshop, hungary house of music, 28 may 2020
- performance, with okkyung lee, hungary house of music, 28 may 2020
- performance, with Will Guthrie, les ateleiers claus, brussels 1 june 2022
- performance, with Will Guthrie, conflux, rotterdam 2 june 2022
- performance, with Will Guthrie, MUSIQUE ACTION nancy, france 25 May 2022
- performance workshop with Jan Hendrikse, Bergen Architecture school.
- performance with limpe fuchs, 15th april wentworth woodhouse
- performance with limpe fuchsand workshop with robin mackay, 16th april at iklectik
- intersymmetric sequencer for launch 11 march 2022
- intersymmetric sequencer 1,
- performance with limpe fuchs, munich, live via stream
- workshop
- interchange, with maltby miners' welfare brass band, at sheffield bus station, from 7pm to 10pm on the 16th of october as part of no bounds festival.
- performances with will guthrie paris 30 oct, and london 31 oct
- Time and Space Shapes for Gamelan (2017), with Laurie Spiegel, 10, 11, 12 September, Proximity Music, Den Haag.
- performance with justin f kennedy Thu 09 Sept. Reference Festival: Protopia at Bierpinsel.
- intersymmetric sequencer 1,
- exhibition with rian treanor at gnration braga, opens 15 july 2021.
- fuchsfest performance with rian treanor and limpe fuchs, berlin 28 aug 2021
- time diagram for the nondimensional listener vienna
- music for: Objects Lie on A Table by Ivy Ma and Ng Tsz-kwan. 25 - 27.06.2021 Hong Kong City Hall.
- mix 27 may 4pm uk time also on NTS
- symmetry for five?, performance with limpe fuchs, rian treanor, petronn sphene and jim o'rourke, CTM berlin
- live mix super dommune, 5 dec, dommune tokyo
- live, 6 dec, osaka circus
- live, 7 dec, tokyo KGR
- time, structure, process?, lecture at Musashino Art University (MAU) tokyo with rian treanor
- live, 13 dec, Osaka Daphnia
- 6 hour 14 speaker performance, with kouhei matsunaga and rian treanor, 14 dec, kyoto kamigamo shrine produced by reiten/ kosei fukuda
- live, 15 dec, tokyo soup
- INTRA save festival moscow
- for carr quad piece in memoriam carr wilkerson, presented at modulations, center for computer research in music and acoustics, stanford.
- intra#2? performed by Tambor Fantasma Georgian Room of Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA
- 23 speaker performance with alec toko whiting (koto), boston city hall, boston USA.
- intra#2? performed by Tambor Fantasma Great Hall of Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD
- protomusic 2-5, cordoba edit Centro de Arte Contemporáneo C3A, 13 september, cordoba
- INTRA Centro de Arte Contemporáneo C3A, 14 september, cordoba
- hominin second performance, bergen kunsthall
- parallelling part 2 20 july, south london gallery, performance with justin kennedy, will guthrie, rian treanor, jan hendrikse
- against method a series of talks and new performances. 13 and 14 june, hangar bicocca milan.
- INTRA 15 june 2 Tage Strom Zurich
- xxyzzy in collaboration with justin kennedy, 22 june, macau milan
- hope not hate benefit trio (ryoko akama, mark fell, rian treanor) at algomech @ dina artspace sheffield 19 may
- 89th presentation of multistability live, 26 april, Q-O2 festival, Brussels, Belgium.
- 88th presentation of multistability live, 12 april, PHASE, Florence, Italy, with rian treanor and nakul krishnamurty
- 87th presentation of multistability live, 10 april, auditorium Melotti, Rovereto, Italy, with rian treanor and nakul krishnamurty
- 86th presentation of multistability live, beunos aires
- 85th presentation of multistability live, 2 april, montevideo, Sala Vaz Ferreira
- intra#2? commission for Tambor Fantasma, 7 april, buenos aires, argentina.
- premier hominin 29 march, rewire festival, den haag
- performance at Algorithmic Art Assembly, 23 march, gray Area Foundation For The Arts, san francisco.
- 10 channel fm synthesis in collaboration with okkyung lee, 21 march, issue project room, new york.
- Protomusic 1-5 The Triumph Of Eternity Over Time Object Fragment 16.4 generative sound piece, room 94, tapestry (materials and techniques), victoria and albert museum, london 22 february 2019
- in conversation with catherine christer hennix chaired by jan hendrikse at chalkwell hall, organised by focal oint gallery southend, 16th february.
- 84th presentation of multistability live Karlsruhe!/event/algorave-2/
- permutations #2 at HFG karlsruhe
- a stitch outside time site specific permanent commission between london fenchurch street and shoeburyness via basildon
- the concept of time is intrinsically incoherent exhibition, focal point gallery, southend on sea
- actuations 14 december London Contemporary Music Festival (LCMF)
- frameworks, 24 speaker installation, VAC foundation venice, Palazzo delle Zattere, Dorsoduro 1401, 30123 Venezia VE
- 83rd presentation of multistability live 24 nov 2018, macau milan
- permutations 5 day workshop, Musashino Art University, Tokyo
- sensate focus live at Ochiai Soup tokyo, 6th october .
- slicing a torus 8 channel sound installation at eufonic festival spain opens 25th august venue:
- protomusic#1 40 speaker sound installation at sage gateshead
- the truth at all costs? 23 channel sound installation with Carl Michael von Hausswolff, a'larme festival, radial system, berlin 1-4 august.
- a carnatic paradigm - the algebra of listening porto @ serralves . featuring INTRA and seven facts in logical space
- INTRA performance @ bologna live arts week
- parallelling performance installation @ bologna live arts week
- 82nd presentation of multistability live 19 Mar 2018, 20:00, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music screening, 19 Mar 2018, 18:00, Haus der Berliner Festspiele
- sensate focus live, 24th february, bunker turin
- sensate focus live, 27th january, at ://about blank, berlin
- 81st presentation of multistability live 4 february, RIDE cycle culture cafe Chaniá, Greece
- the algebra of listening 2-3 december kolkata, 6-7 december chennai, 15-16 december fort kochi.
- INTRA performance premier @ serralves porto
- intermetamorphosis exhition and performances serralves porto
- epiphylogenesis installation, at no bounds festival sheffield
- sensate focus, at no bounds festival sheffield
- numb imperatives frieze art fair london
- two generative audio visual performances dc-release (2007) and port hacking (2002) with ernest edmonds, cafe oto london. also performing rian treanor and karl d'silva.
- seven facts in logical space premier featuring Katherine Young (Bassoon), lampo/Chicago Architecture Biennial
- nine film endings, Marsčlleria milan. see
- live with will guthrie, CRAK festival St Merri Church, paris
- extensionless thought points installation september, installation at abandon normal devices festival, peak cavern, castleton.
- sensate focus version 4? @ mutek montreal
- topaz and bipolaris 20min video, written and directed by mark fell and erkka nissinen, gallerie prazeres (portugla)
- time and space shapes for gamelan composition, perfromance with laurie speigel
- performance with will guthrie, cafe oto london,
- Folding Tetrahedra and Four-Dimensional Origamis installation, IAC, malmo
- performance with will guthrie, berlin.
- ROAR group show, st anns school rotherham.
- a carnatic paradigm performance and installation, counterflows at CCA glasgow
- two audio visual works performed with ernest edmonds at de montford leicester (tbc)
- soundtrack for volcano a 16mmm film by peter gidal. cafe oto
- 80th presentation of multistability live 17th march, hand signed, florence
- listening and silence installation with the sound designer sandra pauletto at york city art gallery
- screening: Every object is the mirror of all others rotherham ROAR art space.
- sensate focus version 3? 9 december, empty gallery hong kong with rian treanor and dj sprinkles
- installation at institute of spatial sound budapest
- 79th presentation of multistability live seoul
- 78th presentation of multistability live Spazio Aereo venice
- seven oscillations in space collaboration with cmvhauswolffinkonst and inter arts centre malmo, 21 october
- time diagram for organ and strings commission for union chapel london
- diagramming the listener summerhall edinburgh
- 77th presentation of multistability live jazzhouse copenhagen, curated by okkyung lee, with david behrman
- radio show NTS
- new commission with oren ambarchi, will guthrie and osama shalabi, ica london
- new commission with okkyung lee, plug sheffield see
- 76th presentation of multistability live Flussi Festival Naples
- 75th presentation of multistability live summerhall edinburgh, with okkyung lee and CMVHausswolff
- sensate focus version 3? peacock society festival, paris
- ghost in the machine group exhibition, EIGEN + ART Lab, berlin, April 29 - June 25, 2016
- sensate focus version 3? terraforma festival milan
- tqs2016? with oren ambarchi, crys cole, jan hendrikse, olivia salvadori, rebecca salvadori and sandro mussida. Orto Botanico dell'Universitŕ di Roma "La Sapienza" rome
- music for ritual impurity or gallery vancouver
- The Neurobiology Of Moral Decision Making live, with gabor lazar innsbruck
- listening and silence installation with the sound designer sandra pauletto at the kings manor york uk
- 74th presentation of multistability live cave 12 geneva
- structural solutions to the question of being art sheffield exhibition. see
- Technosphärenklänge #II at HKW, berlin, premier of a new work with john chowning see
- Sonakinatography, Composition III: implementation for indefinite non-linearity by Channa Horwitz at raven row until sunday 27 march
- 73rd presentation of multistability live festival 13 march nrmal mexico. see
- sensate focus version 3? festival nrmal 11 march, mexico see
- two opposing spectra at soundfield exhibition with florian hecker as part of curating contemporary art at RCA, 8 march 2016. see
- action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobe 27 feb, kraak festival belgium
- 72nd presentation of multistability live cable festival nantes
- q+a with georgina born hosted by jan hendrikse
- radio show with ed martin (vector leeds) and north manchester bedroom allstars see 12:00 midday til 2.00pm GMT
- computers and collaborative music making exhibition with luke fowler, whitechapel london.
- reality check reading room cafe oto project space
- screening of peter gidals film volcano with quad sound, with q+a, leeds with a performance of focal music #4
- reality check, 3 day residency, cafe oto london
- performance of focal music #3 with laura cannell at baltic 39 newcastle.
- seven oscillations in space new durational performance multi-speaker multi-oscillator piece with carl michael von hausswolff, KW berlin, 19 november.
- to the editor of amateur photographer film with luke fowler screening at MOMA nyc, 16 november.
- is it raining in z-land premier and one dimensional music without context and meaning, 12 november, whitechapel, london.
- live with okkyung lee cafe oto london, 30 october. with a performance of focal music #2 and two other works
- 71st presentation of multistability live with rpboo, tropical waste @ waiting room, stoke newington, 29 october.
- 70th presentation of multistability live prague, 26 october.
- sensate focus live nextsound kiev,23 october.
- 69th presentation of multistability live at the lab san francisco.
- premier of recursive frame analysis, empac troy ny.
- talk with france jobin, 7 october, empac troy ny.
- factoid#3 and 68th presentation of multistability live, send and receive festival, winnipeg.
- core, self, oscillation commission for yarn-wire percussion ensemble
- five studies in negative duration exhibition gnration, braga portugal
- 67th presentation of multistability live cafe oto london
- 66th presentation of multistability live moscow.
- object relations 1 live with sandro mussida, moscow.
- dc-release with Ernest Edmonds, included in the primary codes exhibition, Centro Cultural Oi Futuro Flamengo, rio, 15 june to 16 august
- to the editor of amateur photographer screened at Cube in Bristol on 17 July
- premier of no more mind games cafe oto, london, as part of editions mego anniversary event.
- premier of soundtrack for volcano university of york uk.
- 61st presentation of multistability live Phantasmagoria, Unit, Tokyo, with Kouhei Matsunaga, Russell Haswell + Painjerk
- 62nd presentation of multistability live Taxis, Emeralda, Chubu, with Kouhei Matsunaga
- 63rd presentation of multistability live Consep, New Osaka Hotel Shinsaibashi, Kansai, with Kouhei Matsunaga
- to the editor of amateur photographer 30th may to 4th july, the modern institute glasgow
- sensate focus live, Contemporary Space CMVC, Kyushu, with Kouhei Matsunaga
- 64th presentation of multistability liveRizin', Shikoku, with Kouhei Matsunaga
- 65th presentation of multistability live Korner, Taiwan, with Kouhei Matsunaga
- mark fell and Kouhei Matsunaga live, Empty Gallery, Hong Kong, with lee gamble
- laboratory of hearing, helsinki. 60th presentation of multistability live, screening of music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music and q+a
- to the editor of amateur photographer buenos aires festival international de cine indepiente BAFICI 15 april
- hek, basel with keith fullerton whitmann.
- sensate focus live, powerhouse, moscow.
- to the editor of amateur photographer national gallery of art, washington dc, 5th april
- strategies against spatialisation, workshop presentations, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe
- a pattern for becoming performance with 7 moveable speakers and solo cello, featuring okkyung lee, blue room, royal festival hall, london (UK).
- action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobe 20th feb, roulette new york, action for sky dancers.
- 21th feb, empac troy (ny), collaborative performance with keith fullerton whitman.
- one dimensional music without context and meaning 27th feb, yale union portland (or).
- object relations exhibition southfirst gallery nyc.
- 59th presentation of multistability live 15th march, the empty gallery, hong kong.
- 8 rectangular waveshapes? 20th march, nk, berlin.
- to the editor of amateur photographerschirn kunsthalle frankfurt 28 jan
- q and a and screening of to the editor of amateur photographer film with luke fowler, at internationale film festival Rotterdam
- a pattern for becoming performance with 7 moveable speakers and solo harp, featuring rhodri davies, blue room, royal festival hall, london (UK).
- q and a hyde park cinema leeds following a screening of to the editor of amateur photographer film with luke fowler looking at the early history of pavilion women's darkroom and photography gallery
- 58th presentation of multistability live rio,
- performance with keith fullterton whitmann rio,
- sensate focus live, rio,
- q+a, rio,
- 57th presentation of multistability live 28 november, GRM event at ARS musica, brussels
- to the editor of amateur photographer film with luke fowler looking at the early history of pavilion women's darkroom and photography gallery, commissioned by pavilion. premier hyde park cinema leeds, 22 november 2014.
- Centrality, Rotation, Convolution installation, tunis
- conference and workshop tunis science city?
- 56th presentation of multistability live tunis
- one dimensional music without context and meaning and 55th presentation of multistability live at akousma montreal
- long mix? boston, at the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum hosted by non event.
- performance with keith fullterton whitmann manchester
- performance with keith fullterton whitmann cafe oto london
- time as articulated space installation opens at victoria tunnels newcastle as part of tusk festival.
- get out of the defensive position installation at unsound krakow with andre vida (sax) and tony myatt (ambisonics)
- one dimensional music without context and meaning zkm Karlsruhe with gabor lazar
- performance with keith fullterton whitmann berlin volksbuhne for CTM2015 prelude
- performance with keith fullterton whitmann luff festival lausanne
- sensate focus live, semibreve braga
- 54th presentation of multistability live at semibreve braga
- untitled study for computer controlled laser, stroboscope and Linn LM-1 semibreve festival braga portugal
- light installation with jon howse, reader in soft matter, at university of sheffield, part of festival of the mind 2014.
- sonic uncertainties, the multidimensional case, installation, university of york uk with Tim Croudace, Professor of Psychometric Epidemiology university of york uk.
- […] Mark Fell interviewed by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros at Laboral Xixon Spain 2014?. presented at ARS electronic linz with Laboral
- sensate focus live, performed by lucy railton, as part of "do blow it in the vector" (richard sides)event featuring lorenzo senni, theo burt and evol. institute of contemporary art, london, sept
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music as part of "do blow it in the vector" (richard sides) event featuring lorenzo senni, theo burt and evol. institute of contemporary art, london, sept
- forget amnesia, serpentine park nights event with haroon mirza and okkyung lee featuring multistability live and a new version of 8 rectangular waveshapes with variable pulse width and phase locked blue light?
- experiencia trascendental en la cumbre xixon spain
- action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobe hanger bicocca milan
- contribution to radio as art conference
- 52nd presentation of multistability live at berghain kantine berlin
- TUTTO QUESTO SENTIRE international encounters on sound capalbio, italy
- sensate focus La Casa Encendida, madrid
- sensate focus at golden pudel hamburg
- 51st presentation of multistability live at larm budapest
- 50th presentation of multistability live at A4 space bratislava
- sensate focus at donau festival krems
- no puedo arreglar lo que rompiste installation, laboral gijon spain
- long mix? new york, issue project room nyc
- vertex at infinity exhibition southfirst gallery nyc
- 49th presentation of multistability live at Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) stanford
- the moment of impact installation, Centre for Research in New Music| University of Huddersfield
- sensate focus live at tokyo soup
- sensate focus like at osaka ACDC gallery
- sensate focus like at DEF kanazawa
- 48th presentation of multistability live at GRM paris
- 47th presentation of multistability live at tokyo soup
- 46th presentation of multistability live at CMVC hita
- 45th presentation of multistability live at kyoto metro
- one dimensional music without context and meaning site gallery sheffield
- collaborative piece with erik peters at fylkingen 80th anniversary festival, stockholm
- 44th presentation of multistability live at fylkingen 80th anniversary festival, stockholm
- sensate focus live at cynetart dresden
- second performance of one dimensional music without context and meaning developed at EMS stockholm and EMPAC troy (name etc coming soon) at transformer station, cleveland museum of art, cleveland.
- 43rd presentation of multistability live at artistsspace new york city
- presentation of four works made during artist residency at EMPAC including one dimensional music without context and meaning and action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobe
- premier of one dimensional music without context and meaning developed at EMS stockholm and EMPAC troy (name etc coming soon) at lampo in conjunction with Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts at Madlener House, chicago.
- 42nd presentation of multistability live at Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology, krakow as part of unsound festival
- transcranial theta burst 01 trouw, amsterdam
- self and now solo exhibition baltic 39 newcastle
- 41st presentation of multistability live at tusk festival newcastle
- 40th presentation of multistability live at cave12 geneva
- 39th presentation of multistability live at oslo 10 basel
- two pencil-shaped works exhibition, gallery prazeres, madeira
- sensate focus live at hive project london
- spatial mind lock 8 channel work, 4th Dispatch: Process & Function group show, Museums Quarter vienna
- 38th performance of multistability live off festival katowice
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music SNO sydney
- factoid #3 at norberg festival sweden
- 37th performance of multistability live norberg festival sweden
- source of uncertainty model 266 london july 20th
- multichannel performance of ul8 section 1, with ambisonic decode of 64 beautiful phase violations. canada water cultural space. june 29th
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music here 20 june, pan festival new york.
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music Pan Group Exhibition, Anthony Greaney Gallery, Boston. June 20 - 28
- 36th performance of multistability live heart of noise festival innsbruck
- action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobe macba barcelona.
- first presentation of n-dimensional analysis 31 may, arnol fini with mika vaino and bee mask.
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music at
- music of the eternal now: post-husserlian temporality, pattern cyclic time-consciousness and computer music 28 may, leeds, including a presentation by rian treanor of multistability system 4.
- factoid #3 at editions mego all-dayer, bexhill uk
- 35th performance of multistability live editions mego all-dayer, bexhill
- two discreet generative systems installation and recording session, enjoy artspace, leeds 29 april
- non event t shirt
- 64 beautiful phase violations installation salford uk
- action for sky dancers, generative rhythm and strobe - berlin berghain as part of club transmediale.
- 3rd presentation of sensate focus pattern resynthesis at berlin horst for ctm
- 34th performance of multistability live with KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN Cologne
- 33rd performance of multistability live at golden pudel hamburg
- 32nd performance of multistability live with PETER SWANSON and RAIME DJs, at Birthdays london
- snd live at sonica festival, ljubljana
- snd live, early unreleased works from the years 1998-2000, presented by mat steel at london contemporary music festival, peckham 3rd august
- snd live at krems donau festival pan showcase 27 april
- snd live at moscow save festival 30th march
- snd live at zkm with raime, 2 feb.
- 31st performance of multistability live at
- 30th performance of multistability live at Kultur Vaerftet helsingor denmark
- pattern synthesis seminar-workshop? at Kultur Vaerftet helsingor denmark.
- factoid #3, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic
- screening of computer graphic works, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic
- 29th performance of multistability live @ PAF olomouc
- 28th performance of multistability live @ madeiradig madeira
- 27th performance of multistability live @ sound of stockholm, Kulturhuset, Sergels torg 3, Stockholm, Sweden. see
- fibonacci offset premier of new work with ernest edmonds, SIF studio sheffield
- factoid #3 at oddstream art, technology, multimedia expo 26 27 28 October 2012, nijmegen, the Netherlands.
- 26th performance of multistability live at wundergrund festival, copenhagen 27th october
- 2nd presentation of microtonal house chord boston 25th october
- 2nd presentation of sensate focus pattern resynthesis at middlesex lounge, boston
- 1st presentation of sensate focus pattern resynthesis at body current, club 6, san francisco
- 25th performance of multistability live at urban prototyping festival san francisco USA
- 24th performance of multistability live at modern music guild oberlin USA
- 23rd performance of multistability live at yucontemporary portland USA
- 1st presentation of microtonal house chord london 13th october
- 22nd performance of multistability live at the crofts bristol
- 21st performance of multistability live at NK computer music series berlin 29th september
- untitled sound installation for computer environment
- scale-structure-synthesis installation and record. 21-30 september at CADS artspace sheffield as part of the festival of the mind
- two prints spatial resynthesis for pan records stand at art berlin contemporary
- untitled computer generated film for ipad for pan records stand at art berlin contemporary
- artwork and typographic design for the album Just To Feel Anything by Emeralds
- 20th performance of multistability live dls sheffield
- "A very short proof of Forester's rigidity result" with Roc Jimenez de Cisneros as part of tba21 sound space at ZKM sound art klang als medium der kunst
- 19th performance of multistability live kraak gallery manchester.
- 70 print for ernest edmonds
- untitled installation sweden as part of prsf residency
- 18th performance of multistability live madrid eco festival
- 17th performance of multistability live Tokyo Soup
- 16th performance of multistability live Osaka Nuooh
- 15th performance of multistability live Fukuoka Blackout
- 14th performance of multistability live Nagoya Mago
- factoid #3 installation at netherlands instituut voor mediakunst amsterdam part of sonic acts amsterdam,
- Design of KTL V cd and 12" vinyl. Client Editions Mego Vienna.
- exhibition of prints in rotherham open arts renaissance in group show. rotherham at imperial buildings 1st march to 8th april
- 13th performance of multistability live at paradiso amsterdam as part of sonic acts 2012
- 12th performance of multistability live at berghain berlin as part of club transmediale 2012
- snd live as part of pan showcase boileroom, 18th december.
- snd live at ART+COMMUNICATION 2012 Art of Resilience 14th International Festival for New Media Culture riga 5th october.
- snd live at yellow arch studios as part of tramlines festival sheffield 21st july.
- snd live at enjoy artspace pan showcase with kouhei matsunaga, tom knapp, helm, rian treanor and bill kouligas. 13th july
- snd live at
bloc festival 7th july CANCELLED
- snd live at pan showcase - shacklewell arms, london 10th june.
- snd live japan tour - mark fell, snd, nhk, plus others. Nagoya Mago (SND/NHK/Mark Fell/Kouhei Matsunaga etc) Fukuoka Blackout (SND/NHK/Mark Fell/Kouhei Matsunaga etc) Hiroshima Club Quattro (SND/NHK etc) Kyoto Club Metro (SND/NHK etc) Tokyo WWW (SND/NHK/Aoki takamasa etc)
- podcast for cyrk posted here
- 11th performance of multistability live at flash of inspiration, university of sheffield students union in conjunction with human studio
- installation of tone pattern transactuality at artisphere arlington september to november 2011 as part of the Datafields exhibition.
- presentation of tone pattern transactuality at seeing sound bath spa university
- 10th performance of multistability live at the Middlesex Lounge boston, 20th october.
- 9th performance of multistability live at artisphere arlington 19th october
- design for wire tapper cd wire tapper cover
- 8th performance of multistability live at neon marshmallow festival brooklyn oct 15th
- 7th performance of multistability live at MSPF shreveport louisiana oct 14th
- 8 rectangular waves @ MSPF shreveport louisiana oct 14th
- 6th performance of multistability live at cafe OTO london 28th sept.
- 5th performance of multistability live at bold tendencies, level 8 peckham multistorey car park.
- adventure in the dirac delta performance at placard headphone festival
- multichannel performance of The Occultation of 3C 273 at active crossover, armley mill, july 1st with joe gilmore.
- 4th performance of multistability live featuring 12 speaker ambisonic panning at blank canvas, village underground, london. 30th june.
- 3rd performance of multistability live room 1013, hyatt regency, montreal 7th may 2011 to invited audience followed by questions and answers.
- 2nd performance of multistability live elektra montreal 6th may 2011 see
- 1st performance of multistability live at listen up event shalesmoor sheffield.
- mirrors, laser and multichannel sound installation at LISTEN UP sound art exhibition at Creative Arts Development Space, Sheffield.
- composition three point zero quadraphonic performance at the Music Research Centre, York.
- exhibition attack space decay time at enjoy artspace leeds. 26th feb to 11th march 2011.
- computer music for 8 speakers event at the woodmill south london 5th march. see
- screening of radial version of attack on silence at olsen leeds 6th march see
- five spatial transforms a series of 5 giclee prints produced and exhibited as part of attack space decay time at enjoy artspace leeds.
- composition three point zero one at 'mediamix' university of york uk
- composition three point zero quadraphonic performance at supersimetria - new languages in computer music. barcelona
- installation of radial version of attack on silence at supersimetria - new languages in computer music. barcelona
- snd live at rex club paris with byetone on the 26th of january 2011.
- coherence and proximity solo show at woodmill south london.
- shamanic bear session (sonology in context #2) limited edition cd 2010
- music for human design studio exhibition, tokyo, dec. see
- it Hz installation and performance with high power white laser and multi-channel sound and factoid#2 installation with strobe light, orange balloon and three channel sound, chromotologies, rotherham uk.
- screening of my audio visual work attack on silence at 6th 25 FPS International Experimental Film and Video Festival 21 - 26 September 2010 Zagreb
- matter-space-motion two sound installations at hive gallery elsecar uk
- Generative Film and Performance an event at the Birkbeck Cinema London, on the 26th July at 7pm. The Computer Arts Society presents, curated by Ernest Edmonds.
- sonology in context number 1 limited edition publication
- Studies in synthesis and geometry three channel sound piece shown at 'enjoy' artspace leeds.
- psycho-neural geometrization study 5 for radio broadcast on NABA 93.1 FM Riga, Latvia, on the 31st may 2010, curated by "Skanu Mezs" festival
- attack on silence screening as part of Exposicion ARTe SONoro at La Casa Encendida, madrid 17th may 2010.
- attack on silence high definition 8.2 channel performance at isomorphism and totality sensoria 2010, sheffield.
- warning: this work contains... installation at "There is no solution because there is no problem" 5th to 13th march sheffield.
- screening of attack on silence section 1 at "There is no solution because there is no problem" 13th march sheffield.
- 365 interior daylight plots
- performance and installation at sonic materialities, millennium galleries sheffield.
- A very short proof of Forester's rigidity result generative sound piece for a 48 speaker system, with roc aka evol. to be shown at Istanbul 22nd May as part of the art program of Istanbul's European Capital of Culture 2010. see
- snd @ aanen lumo helsinki on the 12th of november.
- snd live @ inkonst with senking, malmo 16th october
- djing at 'heat haze - radical sound practices' at the woodmill neckinger depot london se16 3qn (see on the 21st of august. full line up includes z'ev, evol and others.
- snd live @ resonance ghent, 5th may. see
- light installation st marys church rawmarsh, rotherham.
- three performances with light and sound at Three Neurocognitive Approaches To The Formation Of Cross-Modal Objecthood rotherham uk
- screening of attack on silence at plateau festival, torun + bydogoszcz
- performance of port hacking #4 at creativity and cognition 2009 berkeley see (performed by ernest edmonds and a second performed)
- multi speaker performance at "AVOID" evolution film festival, leeds, 16th may.
- attack on silence generative sound and graphic piece for start-running @ futuresonic 2009 manchester
- attack on silence excerpt screening here 15th march birmingham.
- snd live 22-11 plateau festival, torun + bydogoszcz
- snd live 25-09 with pixel at amsterdam
- snd live 4-06 electric campfire @ villa massimo rome.
- snd live 20-06 onar, Barcelona
- snd live 29-05 at Mutek, Montreal
- snd live 9-05 @ OFFF Festival, Oeiras (near lisbon)
- snd live 28-01 snd @ club transmediale, club maria, berlin.
- three pieces for unattended, somewhat attended and attended computer performance, snd studio, sheffield
- two asymmetrical rectangular waves performance with joe gilmore, paul emery and evol @ enjoy squat exhibition, leeds
- attack on silence dvd line records, washington dc
- attack on silence @ focus:2 festival, poznan, poland
- attack on silence @ olsen, hyde park cinema, leeds on 10th of october, see
- A very short proof of Forester's rigidity result generative sound piece for a 48 speaker system, with roc aka evol. seville biennial
- 8 square waves and phase locked blue light performance, sonar 2008 (barcelona)
- 18 x 16 pixels and 20 x 8 sine waves installation, sonar 2008 (barcelona)
- synchresis 1point2 generative installation, startrunning event (manchester)
- attack on silence @ startrunning performance (manchester)
- attack on silence @ sonic recycler screening at sonic recyler (london)
- attack on silence ltd edition print template exhibition, sightsonic (york) and isea (Belfast)
- attack on silence @ pov screening at POV wanchai (hong kong)
- t shirt for wire magazine
- 17-12 snd @ raster noton japan tour with alva noto, byetone, nibo, pixel and nhk, unit tokyo
- 19-12 snd @ raster noton japan tour with alva noto, byetone, nibo, pixel and nhk, sunsui, osaka
- 20-12 snd @ raster noton japan tour with alva noto, byetone, nibo, pixel and nhk, vio nagoya
- 21-12 snd @ raster noton japan tour with alva noto, byetone, nibo, pixel, nhk and psysex metro kyoto
- 04-10 snd @ Hellerau European Centre of Contemporary Art, dresden
- 03-10 snd @ wire event, concrete and glass festival, cargo london
- 27-09 snd @ kunsthaus graz 5th year anniversary
- snd dj at raster noton 12 year anniversary event ica (london) ica web site
- live at algorithm event lovebytes 2008 (sheffield)
- snd tour eu tour with autechre march 2008
- wavelength tour: featuring performance of port hacking and dc-release with ernest edmonds, bloc space(sheffield), music research centre (york), wrangthorn church hall (leeds)
- performance of port hacking and dc-release with ernest edmonds, sprawl (london)
- 64 pixels and 240 sine waves hong kong
- performance of port hacking and dc-release with ernest edmonds, carriageworks (sydney)
- performance with 8 square waves and phase locked blue light algorithm stage at glade (thatcham, uk)
- performance with 160 sine waves and 144 pixels algorithm stage at glade (thatcham, uk)
- 12 hour performance with generative systems algorithm stage at glade (thatcham, uk)
- colourfield remix dvd with ernest edmonds. G fine art gallery (washington dc)
- colourfield remix with ernest edmonds. interactive audio visual performance (washington dc)
- atavism 01 + 02 interactive installation (kiveton, uk)
- max hong kong workshop workshop performance (lai chi kok, hong kong)
- office hong kong workshop workshop performance (lai chi kok, hong kong)
- dj with terre thaemlitz at uplink gallery (tokyo)
- dj at big bang exhibition opening (hong kong)
- dj with mat steel and joe gilmore at bloc studios xmas party sheffield
- snd at algorithm stage glade festival (thatcham uk)
- dj at procedure (washington dc)
- synchresis 1point2 short non linear video piece screened at olsen (leeds, uk)
- manifold with joe gilmore, dark arches (leeds, uk)
- you are here with george saxon, loveybtes (sheffield, uk)
- ltd edition 2 dvd set with ernest edmonds, Conny Dietzschold Gallery (Sydney/Cologne)
- snd at designers republic light night dj workstation (sheffield, uk)
- dj and curation of music event at bloc space and vector (sheffield and leeds, uk)
- blir at glade festival overkill tent (thatcham, uk)
- blir at "three legendary examples of post digital music", with richard chartier and taylor deupree, forced entertainment studio (sheffield)
- arches of frost music used a dance by orjan andersson, Compania national de Danze at Teatro de la Zarzuela (madrid)
- vibration white finger, b!as festival of sound arts, taipei fine arts museum (taipei).
- absolute 5 with ernest edmonds, acmi (melbourne)
- absolute 4.5, beta space the powerhouse museum (sydney)
- you are here with george saxon, sightsonic (york)
- port hacking #4, el sonido de la velocidad at centre de cultura contemporania de barcelona (barcelona) short recorded exerpt of work made during a residency at UTS in sydney.
- w+w, generative film, salon (tokyo).
- untitled 1, with ernest edmonds shown at graphite (singapore).
- untitled 2, with ernest edmonds shown at siggraph (la).
- vibration white finger, screened: graf media gm (osaka), mediatheque (sendai), center for arts and media (yamaguchi), laforet museum harajuku (tokyo).
- tshirt for salon magazine, tokyo.
- blir performed in conjuction with audio visual spaces series at vooruit and smak (gent)
- snd cimatics festival of audio visual art, nova cinema (brussels)
- snd c90 (sheffield)
- snd us tour with autechre and rob hall.
- snd at sonar lounge (baltimore)
- snd at orange peel (asheville)
- snd at variety playhouse (atlanta)
- snd at twiropa (new orleans)
- snd at the parish (austin)
- snd at trees (dallas)
- snd at freedom (phoenix)
- snd at el rey (los angeles)
- snd at mezzanine (san francisco)
- snd at berbatis pan (portland)
- snd at neumos (seattle)
- snd at commodore (vancouver)
- snd at ascot room (minneapolis)
- snd at metro (chicago)
- snd at masonic temple (detroit)
- snd at opera house (toronto)
- snd at usine (montreal)
- snd at paradise (boston)
- snd at webster hall (new york)
- snd at trocadero (philadelphia)
- snd at black cat (washington)
- europe tour as snd with autechre and rob hall.
- snd at link (bologna)
- snd at brancaleone (rome)
- snd at la friche belle de mai (marseilles)
- snd at l'usine (geneva)
- snd at dv1 (lyon)
- snd at la cartonnerie (reims)
- snd at sensor (koln)
- snd at maria (berlin)
- snd at blumen und planetan (hamburg)
- snd at effenaar (eindhoven)
- snd at petrol (antwerp)
- snd, city screen bi monthly dj residency (york).
- works included in "Australian Concrete Constructive Art", with ernest edmonds, Conny Dietzschold Gallery (Sydney)
- sonographia performance work with yasunao tone, location one (new york)
- port hacking #4 time based av "sonar festival of advanced music and multimedia" (barcelona).
- wxw live sound and 2 screen performance work shown at "ultrasound" (huddersfield).
- untitled work for sensor+16mm with yasunao tone (york).
- sonographia work for projection and graphics tablet with yasunao tone (york).
- elsewhere performance with jez potter millenium galleries (sheffield).
- untitled 2 screen generative video work with ernest edmonds millenium galleries (sheffield)
- coming of age in south yorkshire performance with 2 screens shown at "earrational festival" (den bosch).
- remote desktop performance work for remote desktop with mat steel (york).
- port hacking #1:4 interactive sound and image performance with ernest edmonds "sparks" opening of creativty and cognition studios (sydney).
- dirty protest interactive work for light sensors made during residency at hong kong national film archive, "videotage/microwave" festival (hong kong).
- hikari no mandala interactive sound and light with mat steel and haruo ishii, commissioned by "sightsonic digital arts festival" (york).
- snd zho (perth).
- dj videotage/microwave (hong kong).
- snd zouk (singapore).
- snd mousonturm (frankfurt).
- snd all tommorows parties (camber sands).
- snd La Casa Encendida (madrid).
- snd @ plastic people (london)
- firecircle2 sound design for a public installation work with harou ishi shown at "media select" (nagoya).
- living without a water feature interactive work with george saxon shown at loughborough school of art and design gallery (loughborough).
- untitled work with softboard and hyrogliphics collaboration with yasunao tone shown at "creativity and cognition research studios" (loughborough).
- graphic works idea - international journal of graphic art japan 2002.
- snd activat (pamplona).
- snd radar festival (copenhagen).
- japan tour as snd with vladislav delay/luomo and akufen. liquid room (tokyo), the garden (kyoto), club metro (kyoto), club daughter(nagoya), rockets (osaka), cay (tokyo).
- snd frequencies[hz] audio-visual spaces, schirn kunsthalle (franfurt).
- snd bios history of video games (athens).
- snd game on opening, barbican(london).
- snd raster noton event (chemnitz).
- snd mutek festival at ex centris (montreal).
- snd @ nofi (newcastle)
- early reflection interactive networked installation commissioned by david corbett exhibited at hull time based arts (hull).
- mumcode generative work made with robert baker, no public showing (sheffield)
- nightstrings pt.2 interactive light/sound installation with lightsensors, shown "national centre popular music" as part of lovebytes (sheffield).
- snd off peak @ contact theatre (manchester).
- snd vector @ modernos (leeds).
- sndcreative time festival @ the anchorage (new york).
- mille plateaux tour as snd with vladislav delay, kid606, twerk, gez varley. sonar (barcelona), new forms festival (den haag), impact arts festival (utrect), kunstencentrum vooruit (gent), bsbbis (brussels), volksbuhne (berlin), mousonturm (frankfurt).
- snd broadcast, nyu radio (new york).
- nightstrings pt.1 interactive light/sound installation with light sensors, shown at "isea2000" at the batorar light house boat (paris).
- projected game v.2? interactive installation with floor pads and floor projection shown at graves art gallery (sheffield).
- post-linear studies 291 gallery (london).
- snd stdio, elektronikaldia (sansebastian).
- snd, festival atlantico (lisboa).
- remote systems interactive sound work commisioned by lovebytes as part of the year of photographic image. exhibited at ponds forge leisure centre (sheffield).
- atrium sound installation shown as part of "elastic frontiers" (sheffield).
- non axiomatic living room speakeasy (sheffield).
- non axiomatic living room (with jez potter). regular saturday night radio show, broadcasting experimental electronica. (sheffield)
© mark fell, modified April 23, 2024, at 04:10 PM PDT edit print